How to change windows XP logo to your own preferred logo.
Now let's start the tutorial.
First, you need a bitmap image i.e bmp format
If your image is in anyother format e.g JPG, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, etc. Don't worry, you can convert it with microsoft paint or COREL DRAW just copy and paste your image into any of the applications mentioned above
Instructions for converting your image
After pasting your image into the new template,
If you are using COREL DRAW, go to file, click on "export" and save it as .bmp bitmap image.
If you are using microsoft paint, go to file and click on "save as" also save it as .bmp bitmap image by clicking on the drop-down list button.
==> When your image is ready, make sure you adjust the size of your image to "180" width and "120" height. The next step is that you save your file into the system32 subfolder of your windows system subfolder and save it as oemlogo.bmp.
You can also input your contact info by creating a new file with notepad. Go to file, click on "save as" and save it as oeminfo.ini
In this file, you can enter your contact information so that whenever someone else opens the system properties, your information will be displayed therd with your logo.
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